Let's talk Latin America

Photography collective document life during covid-19 in Latin America

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BristoLatino editor-in-chief Isaac Norris reports on Covid Latam, the collective Latin American photography project documenting how coronavirus is affecting Latin America.

Covid Latam is made up of a powerhouse group of 18 photographers – 9 men and 9 women – covering 13 countries: Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Venezuela, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Cuba and Mexico. They symbolically represent the number 19 of Covid: 18 photographers registering one virus.

Like most of the world, these individuals have been profoundly affected by the coronavirus pandemic, so in March, they decided to join forces to tell their story. Each photographer narrates their own experience of lockdown: some from the intimacy of their homes, others from the open streets. What each story has in common is its democratic perspective, where those who photograph are at the same time present within the narrative. Fragments of their daily lives and emotions permeate the photographs that document the crisis as it engulfs the region.

The collective told BristoLatino:

We feel that this crisis is coming to tell us something, it is a new wake-up call, a red alert.  Social inequality and environmental abuse have reached extremes and have become unsustainable. We believe that everything is connected in some way and we hope that this crisis will help us to open our eyes, reflect, unite and react. We want to be active actors in these changes so that the pain, the loss and the sacrifice are not in vain.”


See more of the project on instagram here.