Let's talk Latin America


What next in a Cuba of contradictions?

As Raúl Castro’s government announces new policy changes, many are wondering if the authorities are finally loosening their grip and what this means for the future. A trip to Havana for joint Editor-in-Chief Sophie Wall revealed the reality in the streets, which defied preconceptions and easy classification. The recent flurry of news reports about potentially groundbreaking […]

The horrors (*delights) of South American bus travel… Sit back and recline

‘Don’t look down!’ Tom Gidman on the highs and lows of bussing through South America. Before I began my trip around Latin America, one of the biggest worries I had was the inevitable bus travel. Having been shown photo after photo of the infamous camino de la muerte, I quickly assumed that all Latin American roads were thin gravel tracks […]

The foreigner’s fantasy

 In a recent BristoLatino article, Maeve Ryan expressed a hope that younger generations of Peruvians could be encouraged to wear traditional dress, preserving a rare and idyllic landscape known to the world for centuries. Is it just, however, to expect a society to curb its cultural development to the constraints of touristic value? Bristolatino’s joint editor-in-chief […]

Changing horizons

Travelling opens one’s eyes to new landscapes, traditions and fashions utterly diverse to our own, with Latin America providing a rich plethora of examples. Is widespread western influence, however, slowly but surely deteriorating these cultures? Maeve Ryan gives us her take. When somebody mentions countries such as Peru and Bolivia there are certain images which […]

Toasting the success of Mendoza’s wine industry

Hew Fanshawe tells us how the region of Mendoza has changed the face of Argentinian wine. Boasting over 150,000 hectares of vineyards – equivalent to the combined area of Bordeaux, Burgundy, Champagne, and Alsace– and with a 400% increase in the city’s wine exportation over the past decade, it’s no surprise that Mendoza finds itself […]

An insider guide to Argentinian delights

Bristolatino’s Vanessa Allen takes us on a whirlwind tour of Argentina’s mouth-watering culinary delights – A read which will certainly make your belly rumble with hunger! South America. Not only is it stunning, unique and full of friendly people, it is also blessed with delicious food and diverse drinks. I’m going to take you on […]

The world’s most dangerous road

Annabel Lindsay discusses ‘Death Road’: an essential part of Bolivian culture, not just for your gap year bucket list. The Bolivian North Yungas Highway, aptly named ‘Death Road’ and voted ‘the world’s most dangerous road’ is a 50 mile deathtrap that winds its way perilously from La Cumbre, at around 4,600 meters above sea level […]

The changing sounds of Salvador carnival

Bristolatino joint editor-in-chief Phoebe Hopson looks at the two sides to Salvador Carnival, and discusses what they say about modern Brazilian culture. Salvador, situated in the northern state of Bahia, is the birthplace of Afro-Brazilian culture. Built on a triangular peninsular, the city’s cultural identity has been shaped by the Slave Trade. Despite its murky […]

An insider guide to Colombian cuisine

Bristolatino joint editor-in-chief Rosanna West gives us the low-down on what to eat and drink in Colombia. Colombian cuisine is sadly not as widely known as that of other Latin American nations such as Peruvian and Brazilian. However, its diversity is quite exceptional. The country’s cooking varies quite dramatically between its many distinct regions, offering a wide selection […]