Let's talk Latin America

Sophie Wall

The foreigner’s fantasy

 In a recent BristoLatino article, Maeve Ryan expressed a hope that younger generations of Peruvians could be encouraged to wear traditional dress, preserving a rare and idyllic landscape known to the world for centuries. Is it just, however, to expect a society to curb its cultural development to the constraints of touristic value? Bristolatino’s joint editor-in-chief […]

Ondatrópica’s fresh wave of tropical sound

Still glowing after seeing them perform at Glastonbury festival this summer, Bristolatino’s joint editor-in-chief Sophie Wall reviews the adventurous and innovative Colombian musical project that is Ondatrópica. Some might argue that it is a bit late in the day to be writing a review of Ondatrópica’s debut album, seeing as its international release was over a year ago. In […]

A night on the Magdalena… In Bristol

Bristolatino joint editor-in-chief Sophie Wall braved the cold and damp, to find herself enveloped by seductive and tropical stories of Colombia’s tragic and mysterious river, as told by Michael Jacobs in his new book The Robber of Memories: A River Journey through Colombia Stanfords travel bookshop in Bristol is the only place in the city where one […]